Mathematics Publications of Werner DePauli-Schimanovich

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1931: Kurt Gödel: Unvollständigkeitssätze
1995: The Foundational Debate: Complexity and Constructivity in Mathematics and Physics
1997: Kurt Gödel: ein mathematischer Mythos
2000: Gödel: A Life of Logic
2000: Automatic Players for Computer Games
2008: A Brief History of Future Set Theory
2008: The Notion Pathology in Set Theory
2008: Naïve Axiomatic Class Theory: A Solution for the Antinomies of Naïve Mengenlehre
2008: Naïve Axiomatic Mengenlehre for Experiments
2008: On Frege’s true way out
2008: Paradigms-Shift in Set Theory
2008: ZFK: = ZFC with a complement or Hegel and the synto-set-theory
2008: Higher Cardinals are only a Convention
2010: The Foundational Debate: Complexity and Constructivity in Mathematics and Physics
2011: Problems and Games as Models for AI-Systems
2018: Kurt Gödel: A Godfather of Computer Science
2019: Class-Theory and Philosophical Set-Theory
2020: Speech for the collegium logicum vindobonensis of the kgs